
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2018
Questionnaire "Your level of oratoratory" I have fianally done the questionnaire and ready to announce that I've got the result of 62 points. I'm not sure if I've done everything correct but I'm happy with the result in any case.  I hope to increase those things I already have and to gain new experience, beasuse there is even more I don't know yet. 

Confidence? Confidence... Confidence!

I would have been lying if I started this post with words ''I don't like to give a speech''. Or if I have said that I am never nervous before, during and after it. Actually I love talking. If you ask anyone who knows me about some facts connected to me - a half of these people will definately say that I never keep silence. That's true, I can talk a lot, about everything and I find it entertaining, But there is a BIG problem so far - I can talk a lot, I can tell you so much - and say nothing at all. The thing is that I lack informative parts in my speech. Thank Gods, I understand this and I am trying to change this already. It's not hard to me to give a speech, but it's really hard to make myself prepared to it. It always goes the same way: - I have a task to do - I tell myself: "I'll start preparing today" - I'm in a rush of preparation behind the scenes All I understand for now is that confidence isn't built up with only ...

"You have to sell an exersise"

Mistakes are obvious, we work on them. During today's class we talked a lot about the previous, actually the first, experience of public speaking. Everybody had different opinion on their speech and shared, so we discussed a lot of things which we can improve already before the next task: to provide an eye-contact to control your movements during the speech  to stick to the time limit All these things are problems which I'll try to solve till the next speech, which is actually something odd for me. Professor said, that we have to sell our groupmates an exersise connected to english language. ''I would't buy a thing'' - was the first my thought after giving the task, but after a while I caught myself on the feeling that I would definately buy all of them because it's a wonderful experience. What will it be? We are just about to find it out.  

The Rules

Netiquette As any society group our ''net group'' has created some rules of netiquete which everyone swore to follow: be polite help each other and everyone if you can be active and leave comments under your groupmates posts, share your opinion respect people's privacy respect other people's time be forgiving of others' mistakes We all hope these rules make our net-life easier and nicer, so we'll soon see how it works. 

The First Speech or What's Going On?

No silence, no russian anymore   The speech was given after a long time of "silence" and not using english language but I am happy to finally speak again. What I like about my speech is the fluency of it, speech tempo and that it's more or less grammatically correct. Moreover, I like that my speech was almost without pauses and except only one moment I always knew what I need to talk about. Things I don't like is that nervous walking here and there, I couldn't find the place for my arm and it's well-seen that I feel uncomfortable.    What is it all about? As soon as this is our 3rd year of studying we continue improving our speaking skills and that's what we're going to do during the oratory course. Let's make the result well-seen as soon as possibl e.