"You have to sell an exersise"

Mistakes are obvious, we work on them.

During today's class we talked a lot about the previous, actually the first, experience of public speaking. Everybody had different opinion on their speech and shared, so we discussed a lot of things which we can improve already before the next task:
  • to provide an eye-contact
  • to control your movements during the speech 
  • to stick to the time limit
All these things are problems which I'll try to solve till the next speech, which is actually something odd for me.

Professor said, that we have to sell our groupmates an exersise connected to english language. ''I would't buy a thing'' - was the first my thought after giving the task, but after a while I caught myself on the feeling that I would definately buy all of them because it's a wonderful experience.

What will it be? We are just about to find it out. 


  1. I was laughing at ''I would't buy a thing''. I'm sure you'll be fine. Best of luck with the next speech!

  2. Hi! I had to update the task "Selling Exersice" for the next week, now you are asked to use a specific eveluation chart to analyse your performance. So, please update it whenever is possible. I'm sorry for inconvenience. Thank you!

  3. Hi Stas!
    This is great. The format is organized and you share a clear perspective of your first public speaking experience. Here are a few recommendations I have for your writing to make it sound more natural.
    1.During today's class, we shared and discussed our first experiences of public speaking.
    2...So we discussed a lot of ideas to help prepare us and improve our mistakes for our next speech.
    Great work!


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