The Speech Outline
As soon as the speech does not end with the introduction there is the body and the counclusion ahead for us to talk about. Let's continue with the body, the main part of the speech, full of content and ideas.
I've chosen speech 3 to analyse
1.It all starts with the introduction and the attention-getter.
A. Have you ever found yourself at the restaurant spacing out just doing this? (asking a question)
B. Telling a story about the expirement he had and about the student who sent him a video of her own expirement.
Questions and curiosity like Mandy's are magnets. (a link)
We can provoke real questions and through them boost both children and ourselves. (a link)
The student's questions are the seeds of real learning (I think this is a thesis)
1.The story of how surgeon calmed down him before the operation.
A. His curiosity and hard questions drove him to know how to do a procedure.
B. He embraced and didn't fear the process.
C. He gathered the information to revise the prosedure.
2. His rules in the classroom.
A. Curiosity comes first.
B. Embrace the mess.
C. Practice reflection.
A.A metaphor about his daughter Riley who always asks ''why?'' and an idea that it's brilliant when students do asks question.
B. Motivational thesis that teachers should not bury the curiosity of their students.
I've chosen speech 3 to analyse
1.It all starts with the introduction and the attention-getter.
A. Have you ever found yourself at the restaurant spacing out just doing this? (asking a question)
B. Telling a story about the expirement he had and about the student who sent him a video of her own expirement.
Questions and curiosity like Mandy's are magnets. (a link)
We can provoke real questions and through them boost both children and ourselves. (a link)
The student's questions are the seeds of real learning (I think this is a thesis)
1.The story of how surgeon calmed down him before the operation.
A. His curiosity and hard questions drove him to know how to do a procedure.
B. He embraced and didn't fear the process.
C. He gathered the information to revise the prosedure.
2. His rules in the classroom.
A. Curiosity comes first.
B. Embrace the mess.
C. Practice reflection.
A.A metaphor about his daughter Riley who always asks ''why?'' and an idea that it's brilliant when students do asks question.
B. Motivational thesis that teachers should not bury the curiosity of their students.
You certainly did well today.
ОтветитьУдалитьGood work! I did not find many grammatical errors in this. Your writing has improved, and is becoming more natural.
ОтветитьУдалить1.As soon as the speech does not end with the introduction there is the body and the counclusion ahead for us to talk about (I was confused about what you are trying to say)
Maybe this?... The final part of the speech is the conclusion. or maybe... A speech begins with the introduction, followed by the body, and finally the conclusion.