Challenge #2

Life is something truly unpredictable. I was going to complete my second challenge, to talk to a quietest person in the university, but you can never know what life has prepared for you.

So I accidentally have completed my #10 challenge and I have mixed emotions. Challenge was to tell a person I care about how much I actually care and I was absolutely unprepared for that talk.
This person and I were alone outside and the words just broke out of my mouth. I kept silence afterwards for a couple of seconds and then we continued our commincation.

I still feel quite ashamed that I literally shouted at person I care how much I care. I hope everything will be fine, but except that feeling I know feel free. Like something very heavy has fallen down from my shoulders.

At least I was brave enough to do it, yet I'm afraid I spoiled everything.

Next time I need to do something easy as a challenge I suppose.  
